Marcelino Tamargo, is a reputable lawyer, member of the Oviedo Bar Association since —-, expert in financial law. In 2006 he founded the Law Firm ESPACIO LEGAL | Law & Tax, of which he is currently director. Committed to the endeavour of removing the banking malpractices, in 2009 he became the first lawyer in Spain to obtain a favorable judgement against a banking entity, in particular, a dispute against a financial derivative termed SWAP. Due to this judicial accomplishment, the case won by Mr. Tamargo is included in the national report of jurisprudence (“Diccionario Jurídico Aranzadi”) as referral in cases concerning the legal compliance of Stock Market Law and Regulations on issues of financial investments of all kinds.
In his extensive professional trajectory, highlights his broad legal experience on Tax Law, Banking and Procedural Law and his expert knowledge in taxation and International Maritime Law. He was hired as legal adviser by the Treasury Department of Spain, to help in the prevention of money laundering and economic crimes. He also was appointed as Judge in Criminal and Trade law Courts. At present, he is a noted legal arbitrator in national and international financial issues, cases which have contributed to his professional prestige due to the achievements obtained.